GBP Position Checker

Check the visibility of your Google business profile

See your industry’s Google ranking in your area that poses the biggest threat.

Check Business Visibility

check business visibility

We will analyze how visible your business is to customers when they type in specific search phrase. You will find out how your visibility varies at different points in your city

Analyze Competitor

Analyze Competitor1

The competitor preview will allow you to see your industry’s Google ranking in your area that poses the biggest threat

Business Listing Grader

business listing grader

Are you missing opportunities to reach new customers? Find out by instantly checking 20+ of the top online directories, including Google and Facebook.

How is your ranking position calculated and how do you read the map results

1.  How do we calculate your current position?

Data is collected on an ongoing basis (live) each time a keyword query is made.  Each point with a number represents the position of your company/business archives under chosen keywords at the specific locations.

You can think about each location like a person standing with a mobile phone at every specified point, and making a search on his/her device in Google Maps for a keyword that you have created a query for.

The number assigned to every circle is a position under which your business/company came out in the search results at the location marked on the map.

2.  How to read results from your position?

We count the average position on the whole grid for each of the found companies – Google Business Profile (yours and your competitors). Then we sort the companies by the average position obtained from the grid above. Then sort the list – in which place in this sorted list your company is located. It is a position number that we present as your position on the grid.

Example: 3 different companies

  1. Company A average position on the map is 7
  2. Company B average position on the map is 13.
  3. Company C average position on the map is 22

In our list :

  • Company A will have the number 1 rank
  • Second company number 2 rank
  • and third number 3 rank

But it does not mean that the average position on the map is 1,2,3 … Please note that in some circumstances the area and number of checked locations might change.

Once your “Pin” (location) gains prominence, the area of influence might grow as well, which will result in a change in the number of locations checked. What this might mean, is that… even when your position grows – the average number (because it is based on the increased number of locations) can go down.

A situation like that will take place when you started with a very weak profile – and see lots of improvements in a very short time.

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Regular Price $12

Google Ranking Factors


Sometimes, even the most seasoned pros may stop and ask, “What even is – or isn’t – a Google ranking factor, anyway?” The thing is: The answer to that question is fluid. It evolves with changes in the algorithms, which are constantly being updated to respond to user needs.

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